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Medium Earnings Info 1.0 - Free Blogging chrome²å¼þ
ÓͺïappÏÂÔØ     2021/11/23 13:11:36      À´Ô´£ºÓͺ   µã»÷£º
Medium Earnings Info Description: Medium Earnings Info gives you an in-depth view of your earnings per story over time.Access your earnings information by clicking on the Earnings button on the stats page or use the popup. This will open up a new tab with your data. ??FEATURES ?? Earnings per story per day money was earned ?? Views and read time per story per day ?? Primary Topics for stories that are chosen for Further Distribution are shown ?? download as csv?? FEATURE REQUESTS AND BUG REPORTSIt's probably easiest to shoot me a message at medium: https://muffinimal.medium.com/ if you want to report a bug or request a feature?? VERSION HISTORYSponsored Links v0.1 Initial version with basic functionality for beta-testers.v0.2 Revamped the table to include more data and allow interactivity for beta-testersv1.0 Initial version with basic features to analyze and download your earningsAs this is the first release, the functionality is rather straightforward and basic. Upcoming releases will address usability issues and add some more detailed analytics.Feedback and feature requests are welcome!?? ATTRIBUTIONThis extension gets most of its data-acquisition fundamentals from an extension written by Guilherme Brito. Check out his awesome extension here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/medium-next-generation-st/fhopcbdfcaleefngfpglahlpfhagendo?BUY ME A COFFEEWant to buy me a coffee? By all means! Visit https://www.buymeacoffee.com/muffinimal for a donation. You do want to buy me a coffee, but not like this? Awesome, I hope we meet in real life! Or, if you don't, then it still would be great to meet you. ??