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Scratch Addons 1.22.1 - Free Social & Communication chrome²å¼þ
ÓͺïappÏÂÔØ     2021/11/23 13:02:11      À´Ô´£ºÓͺ   µã»÷£º
Scratch Addons Description: This is a updated release of a messaging extension for use with the Scratch Programming Website https://scratch.mit.edu/ only.No usernames or passwords are stored, and you are required to be already signed into your scratch account in chrome for it to work.Features: Groups messages by project, shows full comment text and context, allows for checking and direct replying without exiting your current game / project.Sponsored Links Watch the youtube video for details.Update: Added a link to my YouTube channel - Subscribe now get notified of my latest Scratch tutorial videos! (https://www.youtube.com/user/griffpatch)