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Swash 2.0.5 - Free Productivity chrome²å¼þ
ÓͺïappÏÂÔØ     2021/11/23 13:21:50      À´Ô´£ºÓͺ   µã»÷£º
Swash Description: Swash is a browser extension for collecting and aggregating your browsing activities. This extension collects information about your browsing activities and gives you, ability to sell your data on the Streamr Marketplace.The extension consists of some modules. Each module has some Data Collectors and each Data Collector is responsible for collecting a specific data regarding its module.A Data Collector collects data using one of these methods:¡ñ Running a JavaScript code in the context of a specific page¡ñ Calling APIs on behalf of you¡ñ Capturing requests sent to/responses received from a specific domain¡ñ Reading your browser informationWe provide you with certain controls and choices regarding the data collected on your browser:¡ñ Enabling/Disabling Swash. You are able to enable/disable the Swash extension. When the extension is disabled nothing will be collected by the extension.¡ñ Enabling/Disabling modules. You are able to enable/disable each module of the SwashSponsored Links separately. When a module is disabled none of its collectors will collect data.¡ñ Enabling/Disabling collectors. You are able to enable/disable each collector of a module. When a collector is disabled it does not collect data.¡ñ Delay on sending data. You are able to make custom delay on sending data. It helps you watch data before being sent to the stream and it gives you the ability to cancel any data sending action.¡ñ Text masking . This feature allows you to actively mask specific text (characters, digits, single words or combination of them) within the data being captured and shared via the extension. This allows you to cover sensitive information that might be present, for example, within Facebook or Twitter posts or, less probable, search queries. One could for example add any variation of his/her own name, phone number, email, address, close people names etc.¡ñ Exclude URLs . This option allows you to specify which URLs you would like to exclude from data collection for all modules. You can use different expressions to exclude an exact match URL, an entire subsection of a URL path or even more advanced rules. Rules applied for this feature will supersede any module¡¯s internal logic, so you can have peace of mind that anything applied correctly here will be followed by all modules.¡ñ Data PrivacyWe provide you with a privacy mechanism to ensure the privacy of data getting collected bymodules. The mechanism works based on the data type and the privacy level. The table belowshows how the privacy mechanism transforms the data based on the data type.