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ColorHexa Search Tool 2.0.0 - Free Developer Tools chrome²å¼þ
ÓͺïappÏÂÔØ     2021/11/23 13:08:37      À´Ô´£ºÓͺ   µã»÷£º
ColorHexa Search Tool Description: How to use ColorHexa:- Just enter your color value in any format (e.g. hexadecimal, rgb, cmyk, hsl, lab, lch, luv, xyz, xyY, hunter lab, binary, wavelength).- Or simply use the colorpicker / eyedropper (left to the search input field)ColorHexa will provide detailed description, color shades, color schemes (complementary, split complementary, analogous, triadic, tetradic and monochromatic), Html & Css codes, and automatically convert the color to rgb, cmyk, hsl, lab, etc. Color conversion:- For example, to convert or get any information about "red", you could directly type: - "red" or "ff0000" (with or without "#"), - "rgb(255,0,0)" - "rgb % 100 0 0"Sponsored Links - "c:0, m:100, y:100, k:0" - "hsl 0, 100, 50" And so on... (with or without commas, brackets, colons or semi-colons, that doesn't matter).Color Mixer & Color Subtraction :- Colorhexa also offers the ability to merge / subtract colors together by simply separating them with a "+" or "-" in your query (e.g. : "blue + hsl 30 20 10", "red 200 green 30 blue 10 - orange"). Color Gradient Generator:- You can also create a gradient by separating the colors with the word "to" (e.g. "ff0000 to rgb 0 100 30").