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SVG Gobbler 3.13.0 - Free Productivity chrome²å¼þ
ÓͺïappÏÂÔØ     2021/11/23 13:35:25      À´Ô´£ºÓͺ   µã»÷£º
SVG Gobbler Description: SVG Gobbler is a browser extension that hunts down the SVG content in your current tab, highlights unique attributes about it and gives you the option to download or copy to the clipboard. The best part? It is automatically optimized using SVGO on export. SVG Gobbler is an open source tool created by Ross Moody out in sunny San Francisco. Contribute to the project on Github at https://github.com/rossmoody/svg-gobblerSponsored Links You can follow Ross Moody here: https://twitter.com/_rossmoodyNote: Be considerate of the content downloaded and the intellectual property of the copyright and/or trademark holder.