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Coinhub 1.0.4 - Free Pr

2021/11/23 13:10:05  Posted by 油猴

Coinhub Description: Coinhub 是一款服务于 DeFi 生态的多链去中心化资产管理产品,集成了钱包、支付、交易、理财、挖矿等功能,旨在降低使用门槛、为用户提供安全便捷的一站式数字资产管理服务。Coinhub 现已上线浏览器插件版本及手机移动端版本,当前适用以太坊(ETH)、币安智能链(BSC)、火币生态链(Heco)等多条公链,并在陆续增加中。同时,Coinhub 团队致力于普及区块链知识。为了帮助更多的人了解和参与到 DeFi 中,我们会同步输出各类科普教程,成为大家了解和进入 DeFi 世界的入口。Sponsored Links Coin...

ReRoute 0.8.4 - Free De

2021/11/23 13:09:39  Posted by 油猴

ReRoute Description: Redirect any web request to an address of your choice.Top Features: - Replace part of any URL, optionally using regular expressionsSponsored Links - Redirect loop protection (each request is only redirected once) - Quick enabling/disabling of each rule - Define cus...

ColorHexa Search Tool 2

2021/11/23 13:08:37  Posted by 油猴

ColorHexa Search Tool Description: How to use ColorHexa:- Just enter your color value in any format (e.g. hexadecimal, rgb, cmyk, hsl, lab, lch, luv, xyz, xyY, hunter lab, binary, wavelength).- Or simply use the colorpicker / eyedropper (left to the search input field)ColorHexa will provide detai...

Botmakers 1.03 - Free P

2021/11/23 13:08:13  Posted by 油猴

Botmakers Description: See if there is a bot enabled for a Facebook page. Find our how many people likes and reviewed it. See location, website and email if any associated with the Facebook Messenger bot.To use the extension go a Messenger or a Facebook page like https://www.messenger.com/t/botm...

Hacker News UX 1.3.7 -

2021/11/23 13:07:08  Posted by 油猴

Hacker News UX Description: If you would like to suggest somethinghttps://github.com/volos/https://github.com/volos/HackerNewsUX Featured on Mashable! http://mashable.com/2010/12/01/improve-hacker-news-ui/ 0. fixed bugs + updated for Google Extensions Manifest v21. Shows About in a tooltip when m...

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